Golden Nuggets Blog

For me, transformation has always happened one. little. golden. nugget… at a time.

My work in the field of mindfulness and coaching started with a very personal healing journey. Since it began 15 years ago, I’ve been collecting invaluable golden nuggets of wisdom… a pocket full of rocks that have ultimately changed the trajectory of my life. These nuggets come from my reflections on classes, books, meditation retreats, and most of all my teachers and mentors. These ideas don’t originate with me, they go back thousands of years. I stand on the shoulders of generations of giants, and I owe my growth to countless others without whom I would not be here.

I've done my best to distill for you the most important lessons I’ve learned, the “aha!” moments I’ve had, as well as the priceless tools I’ve picked up along the way. This body of work is your glimpse into the most valuable things found along my path. I’m still making discoveries and plan to for as long as I'm on this planet.

I hope you might find a golden nugget here that you can put in your pocket for your journey ahead.

Thanks for being here!

Mindful Musings Stacy Kesten Mindful Musings Stacy Kesten


So many of us, myself included came to this practice of meditation and mindfulness because we thought we were going to fix ourselves or get rid of a part of ourselves and this is what happens when leave out the part about self-compassion.

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